As Coastal Community Church searches for a new pastor, our search team solicits your prayers. The average search takes around 12-18 months and, as a team, we would like to help the congregation both understand the process and communicate clearly where we are in the search. Our goal is to find God's man in God's time with no exceptions.
This page is still under development, but will be completed by the time the job position is posted in late January or early February.
This page is still under development, but will be completed by the time the job position is posted in late January or early February.
If you have any questions or comments for the search team, please email us by clicking the button below.
Pastor Search Process
Phase 1: Pray
30 days of prayer
Keep praying!
Phase 2: Plan
Form Pastor Search Team
Solicit congregational feedback
Develop informational profiles
Phase 3: Gather
Post the job opening
Narrow pool to 3-5 candidates
Conduct interviews
Phase 4: Select
Narrow search to 1 candidate
Conduct interviews with Search Team, Staff, and Advisory Team
Recommend our next Lead Pastor to congregation
If you have any questions or comments for the search team, please email us by clicking the button below.
Pastor Search Team
Scott Jones, Team Chair
Becca Fletcher
Jonathan Hommel
Kristopher Hurst
Amy Land
Lauren Millo
Mark Robertson
Mathen Samuel
Tiffany Wren
Do not look on his appearance or on the height of his stature, because I have rejected him. For the Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.
~ 1 Samuel 16:7
~ 1 Samuel 16:7
If you have any questions or comments for the search team, please email us by clicking the button below.